Making Miami—
Making Miami is an exhibition, a book, and permanent digital archive featuring the work and telling the story of Miami artists who lived and worked in the city between 1996—2012 and who built the foundation of the modern Miami we know today.
Dimensions Variable brings together its artist founders, Frances Trombly, and Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova, with several notable artists who were part of the project’s history. Included are works by Agustina Woodgate, Jamilah Sabur, Carlos Rigau, Francisco Masó, Erik Smith, Erin Thurlow, Tom Scicluna, Felice Grodin, Kevin Arrow, Marcos Valella, Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova, and Frances Trombly along with archival references to the original projects at DV. As part of this project, a historical section will be dedicated to an earlier project called Box, co-founded by Rodriguez-Casanova, Manny Prieres, and Jose Reyes. The section will showcase works by artists such as Friendswithyou, William Cordova, Gean Moreno, Jose Reyes, Manny Prieres, and Kyle Trowbridge.
Dimensions Variable’s project focuses on the history and documenting early projects that acted as the precursor to its founding in 2009. It showcases early projects in Box and DV that helped launch young artists’ careers in Miami. Dimensions Variable is a nonprofit contemporary art program founded and led by artists. DV funds artist development, curates innovative exhibitions, provides spaces to work, hosts community events, and advocates for artists to encourage a more equitable and interconnected art world independent of the constraints of markets and traditional institutions.