Censorship is a complex and contentious issue, particularly with the arts. While some argue that certain forms of censorship are necessary to maintain social order and protect individuals from harmful content, others believe that it stifles free speech and impedes progress.
As our community grapples directly with these complex issues, we wanted to gather for an open dialogue. The line between what should be censored and what should not be is a challenging issue that requires careful consideration of the potential impact on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. It is important to engage in open dialogue and debate to find a balance that respects both freedom of expression and the well-being of the community.
Please join us and share your perspectives.
Refreshments are provided but in a community/potluck spirit, we welcome contributions of food and drink. Dimensions Variable is located at 101 NW 79 Street, Miami, FL 33150. Parking is limited in front of our building, but plenty of parking is available on the street. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.